It is not unusual for pet owners to allow their pets to sleep with them at night. Indeed, one third of pet owners have at some point, permitted their pets to sleep on their beds. Dogs provide a companionship that can't be given by any other kind of animal. But this doesn't mean to say that it is unlikely for some people to let their cats and another pets sleep with them too.
It is made easier too by dogs having a sleep pattern which is rather similar to our own. Dogs often have complete trust in their owners, which makes them a lot more relaxed during the night. This goes a long way to explaining why most dogs fall asleep easily and even enter into a deep sleep where REM sleep activities can occur. In fact, once a dog enters this phase, the owner often needs to call them several times before they can be woken up completely.
Certainly, lots of us have seen a dog paddling during sleep and barking while asleep too. These dogs are said to be dreaming. Breathing patterns can also be observed among dogs while they are asleep. For instance, there are breeds which breathe heavily, and there are breeds which breathe more lightly. The dogs that are heavy breathers are much more likely to snore than those which do not breathe quite so heavily.
Dogs which snore can be rather a nuisance during the night, depending on the degree and frequency of the occurrence of this phenomenon. Like with humans, there are various considerations why dogs snore. Most though deal with the obstruction of the passage of air in the throat caused by the collapse of certain areas along the throat. The same as in humans.
A dog that snores very loudly should be examined for different issues to see which treatment could be best applied. Some dogs are especially susceptible to specific allergies that can cause obstruction in the airway. It may also be that there is some excess tissue in the areas that are inhibiting correct breathing. It is best for a veterinarian to check out various factors through careful evaluation of the dog's anatomical features and physical symptoms in general.
Is you dog obese? I ask this because, like with humans, obese dogs are more likely to snore than thin ones. This is because they have more tissue surrounding their windpipes. Therefore, they have excess tissue hanging around the throat which can potentially cause obstructions. Once this problem is corrected, the risk of snoring will be decreased. This would not only be healthy for your dogs, you may actually enjoy a decent night's sleep too.
The general facial features of the dog affect the amount of snoring too. Some dogs seem to have squashed faces which narrows their air passages to a certain degree. The construction of their nasal passages also largely contributes to their difficulty in breathing. They are pretty much like humans with a cold, who have to breathe using only twenty-five percent of their nostril capacity. Dog breeds with shorter faces need to expend lots of effort to breathe properly. It costs them more effort to breathe, and they are also more prone to snoring.
Minor surgery can afford your dog great relief. However, be certain that, before you take any decision, you are well informed about the potential risks and consequences of surgery to stop your dog snoring. Most procedures are irreversible, so careful thought should be given to any operation you allow. In fact, it is best to follow the guidelines offered by your veterinary surgeon.